International Classification of Diseases

ICD Stands for "International Classification of Diseases." It is a coding system maintained by the World Health Organization and the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics used to classify causes of death on death certificates and diagnoses, injury causes, and medical procedures for hospital and emergency department visits.

ICD Code Links

(last updated October 2008)

ICD-10 Codes: used in the Mortality data, 1999-present.
ICD-9 Codes: used in the Mortality data, 1998 and before, Inpatient Hospital Discharge data and Emergency Department data.

Version Subset Link Organization Description
ICD-10 All
World Health Organization Linked list of ICD-10 codes
ICD-9cm Diagnosis Codes ICD9Diagnosis06.htm Utah Dept of Health - adapted from CDC rich text file List of ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes with text explanation
ICD-9cm Procedure Codes ICD9Procedure06.htm Utah Dept of Health - adapted from CDC rich text file List of ICD-9-CM procedure codes with text explanation
ICD-9cm E-codes ICD9CM_Ecodes.htm Utah Dept of Health - adapted from CDC rich text file List of ICD-9-CM E-codes with text explanation
ICD-9 New codes
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Links to pdf files containing the new codes; other coding resources