IBIS-PH System Documentation - Welcome
Documentation Status:
Due to limited funding, the documentation presented on this site is not complete nor has it been proofed or edited. The View System documentation is relatively close for System Information, Installation, and Content Management other than the IBIS-Q related pages. The appendicies are mostly accurate but not 100% proofed or complete. The various reports listed have not been tested recently and most likely do not work. The IBIS-Q documentation is lacking in all areas other than the content management section and Appendix A - of which neither has been proofed. The Data Maint and Admin documentation is complete for System Information and Installation but has not been proofed. The IBIS-PH Admin Technical Reference is an MS-Word document and is quite old but the database data element definitions are still mostly correct and accurate in this document.
Most of the pages within this site will report a recent edit date
of say June 2022. The pages within this site are HTML_CONTENT
XML files and were moved into the html_content folder to match
current version 3 content conventions.
Documentation Orgainization:
The documentation is organized into three sections which correspond to the three IBIS-PH web applications (see the Architecture page for a more detailed definition of each application and where it fits). Each application's section documentation is then broken down into a series of high level categories. Each category contains an introduction or overview type page that describes what type of pages and information that are contained within the category. The main categories that are consistent across all application documentation sections include:System Information
This category contains pages that are helpful to understand the application from the 30,000 foot level like architecture, features, requirements, naming conventions, the directory structure and files descriptions.Administration/Installation
This category provides the details on how to setup and install the application, how to configure and customize it, as well as any system issue type pages.Content Management
These pages are task oriented and provide the needed information on how the "super/power user" can understand and maintain the "data" or content presented.
Implementation Reference
Contains pages that describe the actual design and lower level implementation detail. This includes topics like request flows, how errors are handled, URL parameters and what they do, etc.Technical Reference Categories
These include pages that provide detailed information like Java Docs, XSLT APIs, data file element descriptions/model pages, view related topics, special reports etc.
Audience and Reader Prerequisite Knowledge
The intended audience for this documentation includes directors, program managers, web content managers, system administrators, system developers, and project managers. This documentation does NOT include any end user documentation nor does it provide use cases or any of the Unified Process's documentation artifacts.The System Overview type sections provide high level general information that is applicable to all types of users like project managers, system administrators, software developers, and content managers. The content management sections are geared toward the "super user" or "power user" who have specific knowledge about web content but does not have system developer or administration skills needed to deal with the core black box application code (Java, JSPs, Javascript, XSLTs, C, etc.). These content manager type users do have to know about XML and the type of content contained within those elements and what those elements do. Another type of content manager user is the backend SAS data expert. These users need to know how to deal with SAS, SAS Datasets, and SAS programming in general. They also will need to know how the IBISQ CGI application control files work and how to edit those files.
The balance of the documentation is geared toward seasoned Java web application system administrators, Java web developers, RDBMS DBAs, and to a certain degree web developers. The intent is to provide just enough information so that this type of reader can semi understand, install, deploy, and extend the system. If the reader does not have the perquisite Java application server, Java development, web (HTML, CSS, Javascript), XML, RDBMS/DBA skills experience/knowledge for that given topic then they will need to reference other sites/materials to learn about that technology before being able to understand the content presented on this site.
This documentation site uses the IBIS-PH View System's transformation
engine, CSS, and XSLTs. Most documentation pages are presented as HTML
pages (which are simply HTML_CONTEXT XML files transformed via the
appropriate HTMLContent.xslt to produce the html page). As such most
have the typical left hand menu navigation and the ability to be formatted
as a printer friendly page etc. Other pages, like the Java API docs
are true stand alone HTML pages (created independently) which means
that these pages do NOT have the IBIS-PH Documentation System's
navigation or look and feel. When viewing these pages, the reader
will simply have to rely on their browser's back button etc. Finally,
other parts of the system documentation are delivered as MS-Word
documents, Visio diagrams etc. and will need these applications for
viewing and likewise will not have navigation etc.