Data Admin System Documentation - System Configuration
- Create the IBIS-PH database table space(s) and account
- Create the IBIS-PH Data Admin database tables
- Optionally, populate/seed the IBIS-PH Data Admin database tables with the Utah data using MS-Access
- Install the MySQL JDBC drivers into the Tomcat common/lib directory
- Setup Tomcat's JNDI configuration (jdbc/doh_ibisph_admin)
- Edit the application's site specific file
- Set the default page request
Create the IBIS-PH Data Admin Database Tables
Go to the repository and download the "tab_c.sql" file for the appropriate database. For MySQL the URL is:
Save the file and open it with the "MySQL Query Browser" tool (or any tool that allows execution of a SQL script file). Execute the file to create the tables.
- RDBMS is setup,
- the connection has been setup,
- logged in as the appropriate IBIS account/user,
- and user has the privs to create tables
Populate/Seed the Data Admin Tables with Utah Data via MS-Access
Again there are many ways and tools to do this. The method described
below is simply one way using a tool that most people have access to.
The repository may also contain a database export which will create the
tables and insert the records directly. This would be a text file which
enables easier search and replaces. However, this method only 100%
portable between a given vendor's database. MS-Access allows the data
to be copied into any ODBC database.
- Go to the repository and download the Utah MS-Access .mdb data
file the URL is (or something like): - Create a new MS-Access db file and create a "link" to all of the newly created tables via ODBC.
- Open the downloaded .mdb in MS-Access.
- Open one of the Utah data tables and the corresponding new data table.
- Arrange the columns of both table views to be in the same order
- Go to the Utah table view that contains the source data
- Select "Edit/Select All" rows from the table and select "copy"
- Switch to the new linked table and select "Edit/Paste Append"
- Search and replace "Utah" with the appropriate text
- Repeat the above steps for all tables
Install the MySQL JDBC Driver
Download the appropriate JDBC driver .jar file from the vendor (MySQL) in this case. Copy the file into the "[tomcat]/common/lib" directory.Setup Tomcat's JNDI Configuration (jdbc/doh_ibisph_admin)
If the deployment tool was used for if auto deploy is enabled in Tomcat the META-INF/context.xml file will have been auto deployed for Tomcat which sets up the resource JNDI link needed. If not or the names do not match those that Utah uses then Tomcat's server.xml file will need to be modified (see Tomcat Admin Context). There is also documentation within the webapp/ibisph-admin/META-INF/*.xml files.Next, edit the "[tomcat]/conf/server.xml" file and enter the following element definition (assumes default install of MySQL with the apporp username, password, JDBD driver etc.):
<GlobalNamingResources> . . . <Resource name="jdbc/doh_ibisph_admin" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" maxActive="10" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="the_ibisph_account" password="the_account_password" url="jdbc:mysql://" /> </GlobalNamingResources>
The above is very specific to the database being connected to as well
as the database vendor. If in doubt, contact your DBA or google
the database, app server, with "JDBC setup".
Update the Site Specific "WEB-INF/" file
This property file contains URL addresses, log settings, and other site specific values. Please see the file's internal documentation for more information about these properties and their values. Typically to open the system comment out the headerAdminRoleKey property line or clear or change its value to blank. Other items include the view system's IP address which is used for security and the view system addresses which are used for publishing and preview. Another important property is the database specific date function. Shown below is what the property file looks like when opened to the world.#--- Siteminder placed, HttpServletRequest header values. Clear the # headerAdminRoleKey value to open the system to the world. headerFullNameKey =fullname headerEmailAddressKey =email headerAdminRoleKey = headerAdminRoleValue =Admin