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Data Admin System Documentation - Application Deployment

This page discusses the options on how to deploy the IBIS-PH Data Administration System. Listed below are some of the options:

NOTE: Deploying the application is relatively simple once the application web archive is created (file named something like: ibisph-admin.war). This section of the documentation does NOT cover how to build this "war" file. Since each deploying agency will have it's own site specific files they will either keep their files in the Utah repository and do a build from there or will have their own repository for their files and will have their own build process.

The following assumes that the correct .war file exists or that the appropriate files that comprise the application are managed and known to the system administrator who is doing the deployment.

If hot deployment or when using an app server deployment tool, the META-INF/context.xml file will likely setup the web app's context which includes a JNDI JDBC lookup. See the internal documentation contained withing META-INF/context.xml type files for more information.

Depending on how the application server is configured and what path is desired for the IBIS-PH Data Admin application, the app server's server.xml configuration file might need to be modified to add a custom context for the application. This of course would also require an app server restart.

An ant XML build file is available in the repository that enables the Java class files to be compiled and which can produce an appropriate, deployable .war file. However, it should be noted that as of 7/2007 that this file is specific to the Utah fileset.