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IBIS-Q System Documentation - Internal Tools

This covers the http_test.jsp, system_info.jsp - list what each does and usage testing xalan, xml parser info etc. IBISPH-Query XInclude Module Files X-Ref: http://localhost/view?xslt=query/module_xinclude_xref.xslt&xml=query/module/module_files.xml http://localhost/view?xslt=query/module_files_xinclude.xslt&xml=query/module/module_files.xml how to test ibis-q urls: What to change on the URL to get the HTML output. debug option and what it does for confirmation and result pages documentation: make sure all xml containing elements have the ibis namespace. xmlns:ibis="" Local View System (assuming the app is the default app, if not add the appropriate app context path)