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IBIS-Q System Documentation - Deploy Application

System Configuration

This page provides an overview on how to configure the application. This includes sections on the "web.xml" file, deployment property file, and the Spring bean configuration files. This page contains a description of the files used to control and configure the system. These files include:


This page provides a discussion about the application's web.xml (filter and servlet init params, filter and servlet mapping, general error handling page(s), welcome page, mime types), site specific/deployment specific property file, the Spring Framework bean configuration files, and how to specify different file directory locations. Also discussed are the options of how to control artifacting and gzip response compression.

Disable filters - see the filters page for a description on each. -


bean file orgainization
bean names

list of bean files


configuration only
date formats,
xml paths
xslt paths

o deployment specific properties
§ ibisq url
§ possibly some email addresses
§ date formats
o /index.html - if wanting to go to the query main page etc.

LOGGING uses the properties in the common.xml and inits the statis class...

admin system address
ibisq url, logging control, email address - not sure where used??? - maybe jsp???

filename is specified in the common or dispatcher xml file
also contains logger and ibis q url.

How to control logging

How to set xml and xslt paths

How to set the property file. Why not beans???

IBIS-Q URL - comes from property file

Date formats