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IBIS-Q System Documentation - Reference

Configuration File

The configuration file (.cfg) holds all ibis parameters and variables and is referenced in the Interface XML file as a parameter. It is a translator between the query string, which contains user query selections, and the HI_IQ executable CGI application.


Items on lines 2 through 9 need to be set for your machine paths and dataset file names. Lines starting with # are comments. Any variables that are used by the Interface XML file in creating the query result need to be listed in the format given (line 39 or 40). For age adjusted rates the variable in the standard population file (given on line 9 of the syntax) also needs to be listed.

Other Information

Parameters used by the CGI can be specified in the following three places:
  1. URL (needs to be defined in configuration file)
  2. configuration file
  3. function file
Anything that can be passed in URL to CGI has to be defined in configuration file. Every keyword in configuration file can be overwritten by the URL and all things in configuration file can be used in URL.

File name: data_set.cfg
1   #value (d, r, #) name_path (keyword=can't change) 
    #value_path (change to match data)
2   d homepath path to dataset\module name\
3   d workpath path to work directory\workpath\
4   #####################################################
5   d saspath path to numerator data
6   d saspop path to denominator data
7   r sasdata specific dataset name
8   d saspopdata population dataset name
9   r sasstdpop standard population dataset name
10  r optional data restrictions
12  #####################################################
13  d response_head_content XMLResponse.head
14  d response_tail_content XMLResponse.tail		
15  #####################################################
    #These values are defaults and are not used since they are 
    #replaced by the <PARAMETERS> set in the Module XML file.
16  r form 1
17  r output xml
18  r func 1
19  r cross1 AgeGrpProxy
20  r cross2 none
21  r sas 0
22  r test 0
23  r small_num numerator suppression number
24  r small_pop denominator suppression number
25  #####################################################
26  # for type1=num -- SAS data type is numeric
27  #	    char -- SAS data type is Alphabetic
28  #
29  # for type2= 0 -- Categorical variable
30  #	     1 -- Non catergorical (Continuous) variable
31  #	     3 -- Groupable variable (Continuous, need regrouping)
32  #	     4 -- Grouped variable (keep the name space)
33  #	     7 -- Variable in standard population dataset
34  #	     9 -- Disable variable (To avoid conflict)
35  #	     10 -- Indicating variable (To be used with type2=3, 0)
36  # for note is used to indicate the variable length in SAS dataset
37  #Note: Be careful of type2 when adding a new variable in module.  
38  #####################################################
39  #value name_sas name_html name_saspop variable&label type1 type2 note  

List of variables

valueNumber, (place -holder only)
name_sasName of the SAS variable in the numerator dataset
name_htmlName of the variable in Module XML file
name_saspopName of the SAS variable in the denominator dataset
variable&labelLabel with no spaces
type1SAS data type (see comment lines 26-37)
type2Variable type (see comment lines 26-37)
lengthLength of SAS variable - For survey data cross variables, the value should always be 99 (only cross variables)


File name: mortality.cfg (excerpt)
1   #value name_path value_path   
2   d homepath /srv/ibis-q/modules/mort
3   d workpath /srv/ibis-q/workpath
4   #################################################
5   d saspath /srv/ibis-q/sasData/final
6   d saspop /srv/ibis-q/sasData/final
7   r sasdata death99
8   d saspopdata pop_y2k_2005
9   r pop_where 1999<=dthyr<=2006
10  r sasstdpop morstd
12  ##################################################
13  d response_head_content XMLResponse.head 
14  d response_head_content XMLResponse.tail 
15  ##################################################
16  r form 1
17  r output xml
18  r func 1
19  r cross1 AgeGrpProxy
20  r cross2 none
21  r sas 0
22  r test 0
23  r small_num 5
24  r small_pop 30
25  ##################################################
26  # for type1=num -- SAS data type is numeric
27  #	    char -- SAS data type is Alphabetic
28  #
29  # for type2= 0 -- Categorical variable
30  #	     1 -- Non categorical (Continuous) variable
31  #	     3 -- Groupable variable (Continuous, need regrouping)
32  #	     4 -- Grouped variable (keep the name space)
33  #	     7 -- Variable in standard population dataset
34  #	     9 -- Disable variable (To avoid conflict)
35  #	     10 -- Indicating variable (To be used with type2=3, 0)
36  # for note is used to indicate the variable length in SAS dataset
37  #Note: Be careful of type2 when adding a new variable in module. 
38  #####################################################
39  #value name_sas name_html name_saspop label type1 type2 note   
41  1 age AgeGrpProxy age Age&Group num 10 4
42  2 age AgeGrp4 age Age&of&Death num 3 4
43  3 age AgeGrp7 age Age&of&Death num 3 4
44  4 age AgeGrp8 age Age&of&Death num 3 4
45  5 age AgeGrp11 age Age&of&Death num 3 4
46  6 age AgeGrp18 age Age&of&Death num 3 4
47  7 age AgeGrp9 age Age&of&Death num 3 4
48  13 dthyr YearProxy dthyr Year&of&Death num 10 4
49  19 dthyr Year9 dthyr Year&of&Death num 3 4
50  21 dthyr Year99-Pres dthyr Year&of&Death num 0 4
51  23 dthyr YearGrp3_99-Pres dthyr Year&of&Death num 3 4
52  25 dthyr YearGrp5_99-Pres dthyr Year&of&Death num 3 4
53  34 cause1 CauseDeathProxy null Cause&of&Death char 10 5
54  41 cause50 ICDNCHS50 null NCHS&50&leading&causes num 0 3
55  41 cause113 ICDNCHS113 null NCHS&113&&causes num 0 3
56  35 cause1 CauseDeath9 null Diag.&ICD-9&Codes char 3 5
57  41 cause50 ICDNCHS50Top10 null Top&10&leading&causes num 0 3
58  21 zip GeoProxy null Geographic&Area&Specified char 10 3
59  37 rescnty GeoCnty rescnty Residential&County num 0 3
60  38 dist GeoLHD dist Local&Health&District num 0 3
61  44 dutcnty GeoRes dutcnty Residential&County num 0 5
62  40 sex Sex sex Gender num 0 4
63  43 stdyr stdpop null Standard&Population num 7 3