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IBIS-Q System Documentation - Reference

Group File

For every dynamic variable there must be a group file that defines the categories. The group file must be in the same location as the configuration file. When using a dynamic variable the CGI looks for a group file that has the exact same name (html_name from the configuration file, name used in the xml file) as the dynamic variable. It uses the group file to group the values in the corresponding SAS variable.

A dynamic variable is defined in the configuration file by setting the type2=3. See the age variables in the example configuration file.

Note: To use a dynamic variable the SAS dataset values need to be continuous (ungrouped); for example, single years of age or single years.


File name: DynamicVariable.grp
value category   
value category

Note: Blank lines are not allowed. Also, blank spaces are not allowed at the ends of lines.


File name: YearGp3_95_pres.grp
. All
1 1995
2 1996-1998
3 1999-2001

There are no spaces after 1995, 1998, or 2001. The ". All" is an optional line given for the total value.