IBIS-Q System Documentation - Reference
Group File
For every dynamic variable there must be a group file that defines the categories. The group file must be in the same location as the configuration file. When using a dynamic variable the CGI looks for a group file that has the exact same name (html_name from the configuration file, name used in the xml file) as the dynamic variable. It uses the group file to group the values in the corresponding SAS variable.A dynamic variable is defined in the configuration file by setting the type2=3. See the age variables in the example configuration file.
Note: To use a
dynamic variable the SAS dataset values
need to be continuous (ungrouped); for example, single years of age or single years.
File name: DynamicVariable.grpvalue category value category
Note: Blank lines are not allowed. Also, blank spaces
are not allowed at the ends of lines.
File name: YearGp3_95_pres.grp. All 1 1995 2 1996-1998 3 1999-2001
There are no spaces after 1995, 1998, or 2001. The ". All" is
an optional line given for the total value.