View System Requests
IBIS-PH View System Requests
This page provides a description of how an HTTP request is processed by the application. There are two types of requests; 1) static content - requests for files that exist and are served up by the application server, and 2) dymaically generated content - requests that are mapped to and handled by Java servlets. This page focuses on dynamic content requests and details the specific steps that a request follows to deliver a response to the user. In general, dynamic content requests go through these steps:- User makes a request (via a browser) to an application server/application
- Application server determines the application (via context mapping)
- Request goes through a filter chain (according to the filter request mapping)
- Request then is handed to the servlet (according to the servlet request mapping)
- Servlet looks up the appropriate controller object
- Servlet calls the controller object's "handleRequest" method
- Controller determines the appropriate XML data model and XSLT view object then creates and returns a ModelAndView object
- Servlet then calls the returned ModelAndView object to get the view
- Servlet then calls the View object's "render" method with the model passed as an argument
- View's render method does the XSLT/XML transformation and returns the response
- Filter/response wrapping is then given control as the response bubbles back up through the filter chain (FILO)
- Response is streamed back to the user/browser that made the request
The next section provides a general discussion of a Java Application Server's HTTP request URL. This discussion is provided to understand how the IBIS application sees and handles requests. A general description of each type of step in the request/response flow is then provided (General IBIS Request Flow Overview). Following the flow overview is a series of tables which provide details of each major type of IBIS-PH View System request. These details include the Request Mapping, Filters applied, Spring Bean Configurations, Java IBIS Controller used, the Model, and the View.
URL Request Anatomy
This section briefly discusses URL requests. There are two types of HTTP requests; "get" and "put". Since most of the requests that the application deals with are "get" type requests, that is what will be discussed in this section (although "put" are similar). Get request URLs consist of six segments; protocol, server address, application IP port, application context, the resource with any path prefix information, and the parameter name value pair(s). In general "get" request URLs are of the form:protocol://address:port/application_context/resource ?parameter_1_name=parameter_1_value ¶meter_2_name=parameter_2_value . . . ¶meter_N_name=parameter_N_value
A general request example of this form looks like: ?GraphicType=jpeg&GraphicName=StackedArea
An IBIS-PH View System "get" HTTP request example looks like:
Request URL Segments
protocol | http:// - most browsers automatically add this as a prefix if omitted |
address | IP address or DNS name of the web/application server ( |
port | Optional IP port that the appilcation listens on. The default value is 80. For Utah, no port is specified so it defaults to "80". In the general example above this value is "8080". |
context | Application's address within that application server. For Utah, the View system is the default application and does NOT have a context identifier. In the general example above, the context is "ibisph-view". |
resource | Application's resource with any path information that is needed to identify the requested item. In the IBIS example it is "home/welcome.html". In the general example it is "query/result". |
parameters | Parameter name value pairs provide a special mechanism to send additional information that an application server can parse and use to create a unique, dynamically generated response. Sometimes these parameter strings are called "parameter query strings" or "URL request query parameters" etc. |
The first three segements of a request are very general and simply define an address. The last three segements are all dependent on the application that is listening on that IP port and how it is programmed. In the IBIS enviroment the listening application is a Java application server which hosts a web application typically known as "ibisph-view". The Java application server then hands over control to the IBIS-PH View System application which then determines what to do to handle the given requested resource (and any optional parameters).
General IBIS Request Flow Overview
Listed below is a general, ordered list of the steps that are taken for any request being processed by the application.- User makes a request
- Request hits Java app server via "http://server_address_or_dns_name:IP_port". The Java app server determines the application by using an application context map. In the Tomcat Java app server it has a configuration file (config/server.xml) that contains among other settings, an application context to the application's deployment directory.
- The web application (based on the context) is then handed the request. The application control first checks for servlet filters and wraps the request and response as applicable. Servlet filters are controlled with URL mappings. These mappings and filter control properties are specified in the application's "web.xml" file (located within the application's "WEB-INF" directory. See the filters page for more information about the IBIS-PH View System's Filters. The order the filters are listed corrsponds 1:1 with the order which the filters are applied in the filter chain.
- The application's Java servlets are then called. Again specified and controlled with URL mappings like the filters in the "web.xml" file. The IBIS-PH View System uses only one servlet - the Spring Framework's Web MVC RequestDispatcher servlet. This servlet is not part of the IBIS Java code. It exists as part of the Spring Web MVC Framework.
- The servlet init parameter named "contextConfigLocation" controls the RequestDispatcher's main configuration properties. This property contains "/WEB-INF/config/beans/dispatcher_servlet.xml". This property file specifies a special Spring MVC Web bean object named "SimpleUrlHandlerMapping". This bean configuration also contains a list mapping of URL to controllers.
- The Spring Web MVC Framework is centered around the Spring Controller, the Spring Model, and the Spring View interfaces/objects. The RequestDispatcher uses this SimpleUrlHandlerMapping object to look up which controller should handle which request based again on the URL. The controllers can either handle the response or return a Spring Model and View object which are then used by the servlet to return a response to the requestor. The IBIS controllers typically contain some logic/business rules to determine which XML document/data file to be used (model). The view object to use is typically the transformation engine with the XSLT being specified by as a property of the view.
- The RequestDispatcher servlet uses the Model and View object returned by the controller call to create the response to the user's request.
Main IBIS Request Flows
Request Mapping | /home/*.html |
Filters | artifact, compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/home.xml |
Controller | XMLSystemIDFromEndOfPathInfo - simple controller that pulls the XML filename from the request resource path and filename. The actual XML filename depends on the XML path property. |
Model | XML: xml/home/page/*.xml |
View | XSLTXMLTransformation XSLT: xslt/home/page.xslt |
Indicator Profile View Request | |
Request Mapping | /indicator/profile/view/*.html |
Filters | SVG graphic type and path adjustment, artifact, compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/indicator.xml |
Controller | XMLSystemIDFromEndOfPathInfo - simple controller that pulls the XML filename from the request resource path and filename. The actual XML filename is dependent on the XML path property. | Model | XML: xml/indicator/profile/*.xml |
View | XSLT: xslt/indicator/profile/view.xslt |
Indicator Profile Chart Request | |
Request Mapping | /indicator/profile/chart/*.jpeg |
Filters | SVG graphic type and path adjustment, artifact, compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/indicator.xml |
Controller | XMLSystemIDFromEndOfPathInfo - simple controller that pulls the XML filename from the request resource path and filename. The actual XML filename is dependent on the XML path property. | Model | XML: xml/indicator/profile/*.xml |
View | XSLT: xslt/indicator/profile/view.xslt |
Indicator Profile Related Indicators Request | |
Request Mapping | /indicator/related/*/*.html |
Filters | artifact, compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/indicator.xml |
Controller | RelatedIndicators | Model | XML: xml/indicator/profile/*.xml |
View | XSLT: xslt/indicator/profile/related_indicators.xslt |
Query Module Selection Request | |
Request Mapping | /query/module_selection/**/*.html |
Filters | artifact, compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/query.xml |
Controller | XMLSystemIDFromPathInfo | Model | XML: xml/.xml |
View | XSLT: xslt/query/module_selection/selection.xslt |
Query Module Request | |
Request Mapping | /query/module/**/*.html |
Filters | compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/query.xml |
Controller | Module | Model | XML: xml/query/module/*/*.xml |
View | XSLT: xslt/query/module/module.xslt |
Query Submit Request | |
Request Mapping | /query/module/**/confirmation.html |
Filters | compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/query.xml |
Controller | SubmitModule | Model | XML: Module XML with selected parameters. |
View | XSLT: xslt/query/result/confirmation.xslt |
Query Result Request | |
Request Mapping | /query/module/**/result.html |
Filters | SVG graphic type and path adjustment, compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/query.xml |
Controller | Result | Model | XML: Module XML document along with IBIS-Q XML result. |
View | XSLT: xslt/query/result/result.xslt |
Query Result Chart Request | |
Request Mapping | /indicator/profile/chart/*.jpeg |
Filters | SVG graphic type and path adjustment, artifact, compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/indicator.xml |
Controller | XMLSystemIDFromEndOfPathInfo - simple controller that pulls the XML filename from the request resource path and filename. The actual XML filename is dependent on the XML path property. | Model | XML: xml/indicator/profile/*.xml |
View | XSLT: xslt/indicator/profile/view.xslt |
Query Result Map Request | |
Request Mapping | /indicator/profile/chart/*.jpeg |
Filters | SVG graphic type and path adjustment, artifact, compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/indicator.xml |
Controller | XMLSystemIDFromEndOfPathInfo - simple controller that pulls the XML filename from the request resource path and filename. The actual XML filename is dependent on the XML path property. | Model | XML: xml/indicator/profile/*.xml |
View | XSLT: xslt/indicator/profile/view.xslt |
Query Drill Down Request | |
Request Mapping | /query/module/**/drill_down.html |
Filters | compress |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/query.xml |
Controller | ResultDrillDown | Model | XML: Module XML document with additional parameters. |
View | XSLT: xslt/query/result/confirmation.xslt |
Admin System Publish Indicator Profile Request | |
Request Mapping | /publish/indicator/*.xml |
Filters | security |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/indicator.xml |
Controller | Model | NA |
View | NA |
Saving User Survey to Admin System Request | |
Request Mapping | /home/SaveSurveyResponse |
Filters | None |
Bean Configurations | WEB-INF/config/spring/home.xml |
Controller | SaveResponse | Model | XML: xml/home/page/survey_confirmation.xml |
View | XSLT: xslt/home/page.xslt |