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View System Documentation - HTML_CONTENT Content Management

This page describes how to create and view the "HTML_CONTENT" type XML documents. HTML_CONTENT XML documents are simple HTML content containers that allow for static HTML type pages to be built and displayed in/by the IBIS-PH View System without having to manually code the entire page. This allows the content developer to focus on the page's main content rather than having to concern themselves with the page layout, headers/banners, navigation, footers, etc. Put another way, it provides the site with a consistent look and feel while allowing the author free to be able to create any type of HTML page with lessened HTML coding and page maintenance. This mechanism also has other special features due to the use of XSLT templates which include processing SELECTION type lists, collapsible sections, expandable tree selections, and modularizing file content into multiple files via the "ibis:include" mechanisms.

HTML_CONTENT XML files contain simple elements like TITLE (which contain the page's window title and content title), META_DATA, KEYWORDS (both of which are used as HTML HEAD meta data text elements), OTHER_CSS, OTHER_SCRIPT, and the main CONTENT element which contains the core page's body content HTML elements and text. See the HTML_CONTENT XML Model page for specific XML element definitions. The CONTENT element which contains the HTML elements and text are typically copied within this section of the resultant output HTML page:

  <table id="body">
      <td class="LeftColumn">
        [left context nav menu]
      <td class="RightColumn">
        [content header provided by SiteSpecific.xslt - 
         this is typically the contents of the TITLE

        XSLT copies the content of the <CONTENT> element here
        (processed for ibis: name spaced elements)

        [content footer provided by SiteSpecific.xslt -
		 this is typically the org unit information]

HTML pages are built by using an XSLT and some Java code that resides on the server. This Java code performs an XML/XSLT transformation which produces an HTML file. This page discusses the best practices, basic XML gotcha's when XML files contain HTML elements, URL Addressing, ibis: namespaced elements, and how to view/test an HTML_CONTENT page.

XML Gothca's

Because the HTML content is contained within an XML file and is thus XML content, the HTML code MUST adhere to the XML standards. Some of these basic rules are discussed on the XML Basics page. Listed below are some common problems that HTML web page developers may experience when putting HTML elements into the CONTENT XML element:
Note that the XML CDATA <![CDATA[ some content ]]> statement can be used if the content contains malformed XML or allot of reserved characters. This can be handy for large embedded scripts, large sections of HTML code that is simply copies and pasted within a file without the time to go through and cleanup, or to show example HTML code snippets etc.

Best Practices

Listed below are some simple best practices that will help create and maintain HTML content pages. See the HTML Page Design page for more information.

HTML Relative VS. Absolute URL Addressing

Relative URL addressing provides a way to address a resource relative to the current web server's resource path without having to specify the protocol, server address, port, application context, and directory path information. This helps page maintenance as the links are not dependent on the application's deployed directory or how the web server is configured or how the application is mapped. Most web developers (especially dynamically created content JSP and ASP developers) use relative addressing as much as possible to not only simplify page link URLs but also to simplify image links, stylesheet links, and script links. The majority of all local application links contained within the HTML_CONTENT XML pages should use absolute resource addressing. This is because unless the page is using the same URL mapping that goes to the same Java servlet controller or which points to the same directory, the resource will not be located or delivered correctly. Because absolute addressing is very site and deployment specific and thus difficult to maintain a special mechanism has been built into the "HTMLContentPage.xslt" CONTENT processing template. This mechanism uses the "ibis:" namespace for link type URL attributes (src='', action='', href=''). When the template processes these type attributes with the "ibis:" namespace prefix the attribute's resource link value will be prefixed with the "WebAppURLContextPrefix" parameter value (which is added by the Java controller code via an XSLT parameter). This allows the link to be an absolute application link without having to know the application's context address. See the Resource Addressing page for more specific information. Listed below are some examples.

WebAppURLContextPrefix Parameter = 

External link to Utah's "Disease Fact Sheets":
<a href="">
	Utah's Disease Fact Sheets Page

Internal application link to the "IBIS-PH Acknowledgments" page:
<a ibis:href="home/Acknowledgments.html">
	IBIS-PH Acknowledgments Page
==> http://the.server:8080/the_app_context/home/Acknowledgments.html

Internal application using a relative addressing link to the 
"IBIS-PH Acknowledgments" page when on the IBIS-PH Welcome Page.  
This shows relative addressing which is possible since both page 
exist in the same directory and are thus based on the same path 
<a href="Acknowledgments.html">IBIS-PH Acknowledgments Page</a>
==> [http://server/app_context/home/]Acknowledgments.html
    where the browser supplies the implied relative address 
	of: http://server/app_context/home/

Internal application link to an image file:
<img src="contentfile/image/thoth.gif"/>
==> http://the.server:8080/the_app_context/image/thoth.gif
IMPORTANT: If the page contains any "ibis:" namespace type attributes then the 'xmlns:ibis=""' must be applied the the main HTML_CONTENT, CONTENT, or any parent containing element. Example: <CONTENT xmlns:ibis="">

Processing "ibis:" namespace elements within HTML_CONTENT/CONTENT

Listed below are types of "ibis:" elements that are processed within the HTML_CONTENT/CONTENT elements via the HTMLContentPage.xslt. They are:

Viewing an HTML_CONTENT Page

To display an XML PAGE page it must first be transformed from XML to HTML. This is done via an XSLT (XML transformation stylesheet). The XSLT is an XML file that contains a defined language/rules on how XML element contents are to be manipulated. The XSLT that is typically used to transform an XML HTML_CONTENT page to HTML is contained with the "xslt/html/HTMLContent.xslt" file. This transformation is controlled and performed on the server using Java servlet controller code. There are two basic ways to do a transformation using the View System. 1) use the generic XML/XSLT "view" Java servlet controller, 2) use a special mapped XML/XSLT transformation Java servlet controller. The generic transformation Java servlet controller simply specifies the XML and XSLT files to be used for the transformation as of the request's URL. The latter option involves some URL mapping magic (see the How URL Resource Mapping Works page for more info). If the mapping is already configured to handle HTML_CONTENT XML file pages for a given directory then all that is needed is to create the HTML_CONTENT XML file in the directory and specify the XML filename with an HTML extension in the browser's URL address. Both of these options are discussed below.


The "xslt/html/HTMLContentPage.xslt" XSLT template file is used to create an HTML page based on an HTML_CONTENT XML document. This XSLT simply implements a few "Page." template overrides and imports the optional "SiteSpecific.xslt" XSLT template to allow custom site specific template override definitions. These templates are specific to the HTML_CONTENT XML elements. The main body content is copied from the CONTENT element by the "ibis:copy" match template. These templates basically copy any and all text and non "ibis:" elements contained within the CONTENT element tags and pastes that content into the main HTML page's content area. See the XSLT Design page for more details on how the pages are laid out and which templates are used.

For "ibis:" type elements, the "HTMLContentPage.xslt" will process those elements and not copy them. This includes the "ibis:include" as well as any special "ibis:" type namespace processing.

The generic "View" servlet controller method is typically only used now for testing purposes and a few other transformations like the XSLT page documentation/reports. However, it can be used for a production deployment and for quite a while Utah's entire site used only this simple mechanism. Using this basic transformation keeps the system very simple and straight forward. Configuration and system maintenance are very minimal and there is not a reliance on the more specialized Java servlet controller code. However, this makes the system more difficult for internal navigation and is difficult for web crawlers to index the site.

Utah Home Welcome XML PAGE Page Viewing Examples

The following examples show how to display the existing Utah "Home Welcome" page via the two different page display mechanisms. The first uses the generic View servlet controller. Note the URL request parameters (query string) which has the "xml=home/html_content/Welcome.xml". This controller has the base XML directory set to "[tomcat]/webapps/ibisph-view/xml". The "xml" URL request parameter specified is then concatenated with the XML path property to get the file's actual, real path of "[tomcat]/webapps/ibisph-view/xml/home/html_content/Welcome.xml". The XSLT file is located in the exact same way except it uses the "xslt" URL parameter and has the Java controller set with an XSLT path property. For the mapped example the "WEB-INF/config/spring/home.xml" bean configuration file contains several bean definitions which are used to control the "home" type transformations (see the "Home.HTMLContent.XML.Path", "Home.HTMLContent.Controller", "Home.Page.XSLT.SystemID" and the "Home.HTMLContent.View" bean definitions). Basically how this controller works is that it pulls the filename part of the requested resource's URL and uses that value along with the XML path bean/property to specify the actual HTML_CONTENT XML file to be used (the XSLT is specified as a bean property with the view property containing the XML/XSLT transformation engine).
Generic "home/Welcome" View Servlet Controller Example:

Existing "home/Welcome" Mapped Servlet Controller Example:

Java Controller and URL Mapping Configuration Overview

If the page is to be referenced as a ".html" file (made to look like a static HTML page) then the following items are needed (using Utah's Home type page requests as an example):