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View System Documentation - Publications Index Content Management

This page discusses what is needed to maintain the online Publications report indexes (chronological and topical). Both are data driven XSLT indexes that use the "xml/publications/OPHAPubsList.xml" XML file. Shown below are the steps needed to maintain the index content. Following the steps is a sample of the PUBLICATIONS XML elements that are required to produce the appropriate links for both indexes.

Steps add a new publication:

  1. Open the [webapps/ibisph-view]/xml/publications/OPHAPubsList.xml XML file in a text editor (a validating XML aware editor is best).
  2. Scroll through the file or search to locate a similar publication
  3. Highlight the entire PUBLICATION element block and Copy it
  4. Go to the top of the file and paste the content
  5. Edit the NAME element and make sure it is unique
  6. Edit the TITLE element as needed
  7. Edit the PUBLISHED_DATE element with all of its sub elements (YEAR, MONTH, and DISPLAY). YEAR and MONTH control sorting in the chron index with the DISPLAY being what is actually shown to the user.
  8. Edit the TOPICS/TOPIC elements by adding/removing a TOPIC element for every topic that this publication should belong to/show up in. The text within the TOPIC element is the topic title. The topical XSLT uses these titles to create a unique topical title set (so it is important to make sure the match exactly). As such, IF a new topic is needed then simply create/enter a new topic title text and the new topic will show up on the page's selection list.
  9. Update the LOCATION_URL to match the publication. This needs to be a complete URL of the form "http://server/directory/filename.ext"
  10. Save the file (make sure that it is well formed XML etc).
  11. Test both the chron and topical indexes


		<TITLE>Health Status Update July 2007: 
			Adolescent Sexual Health
			<DISPLAY>July 2007</DISPLAY>
			<TOPIC>Health Status Updates (2007)</TOPIC>
			<TOPIC>Adolescent Health</TOPIC>
			<TOPIC>Communicable Disease</TOPIC>
	. . .