View System Documentation - Query Module FAQ
This document provides answers to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) and Troubleshooting tips for the IBIS-PH Query System's module development. The first section lists the FAQs, while the last section gives a general decision tree that can be used to help locate and diagnose the problem.FAQ
This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development. What do I name my file? This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development. What sub directory/folder should I put my file in? This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development. How do I test my just created module? This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development. How do I check that my module is the correct structure and well formed? This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development. How do I get my module included on the menu or as part of the module set? This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development. How do I remove a non related step for a measure? This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development. How do I remove a non related question/answer set for a measure? This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development. How do I remove a group by dimension choice for a measure? This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development. I'm done with my module now what am I supposed to do with it? This section discusses some of the frequently asked questions on module development.FAQs:
Q: What should <STEP> names be?
A: Each step is named so it may be referred to elsewhere in the Module.xml file. The step name does not need to be externally consistent (e.g., with the SAS dataset). Choose a name that is descriptive. For example, a step that allows users to select which years they want to query might be named "Year." Other names might include, "Age," "Cause," "Geo," and "Gender."
Q: What is the Query.cfg path (in the IBISQ_ PARAMETERS)?
A: This is the path to the Query.cfg file on the HLUnix server. The paths have been listed in the Modules and Measures.xls file.
Q: Do DIMENSIONS need to be the same as STEPS?
A: No, you can include more dimensions than steps, and you may leave a step off the dimensions. We generally try to be consistent, and use Year, Age, Sex/Gender, and Geography as both steps and dimensions. Additional variables may be added to the dimensions, as long as they have been defined in the steps/answers somewhere. We also want to avoid situations in which a user can limit their query using a variable, such as by using the 5 Age Groups version of the age variable, and then run their query by a DIFFERENT VERSION of the same variable, such as the Four Age Groups version of the age variable.
Q: Who decides which steps we should be using?
A: We have made a decision, based on user-friendliness, that the steps should look similar across different modules. Most modules will have Year, Age, Sex/Gender, and Geography, so we've decided to include those. Certain modules will have additional selection, for instance, most Mortality modules have a "Cause of Death" step, surveys have an "Other Respondent Characteristics" step, and some birth modules have "Mother's Characteristics" step, in addition to the standard steps.
Q: Why are there different versions of the same step in my module.xml file?
A: For certain MEASURES, we can suppress certain <ANSWER>s, or even whole <STEP>s. Some modules, such as the Mortality module, will have two versions of the same STEP; one is suppressed for certain measures, while the other is suppressed for the other measures.
Q: When should I use radio buttons, versus check boxes, versus a scrolling list?
A: Use radio buttons when we don't want the user to select more than one item on the list. For instance, we don't want a user to select more than one VERSION of the age grouping, so we use radio buttons to limit them to one selection only (4 age groups OR 11 age groups, but not both). Use check boxes if it is okay for them to select more than one. This is frequently the case in end node filter variable selections. In such cases, the user may select multiple counties, age groups, or years. However, if the end node selections number more than 12, we'll want to use a scroll box.
What should question text be right under the step?
When to use <SELECTED />?
Each step should have a default selection when it is initially opened.
When to state defaults?
Q: if your module isn't working, how do you know if it is your problem, or the back end?
A: First, there's a tool on most xml editors that finds errors you might have made. For example: parse, F7, check for errors, etc. Secondly, you can look at Tomcat and on the line where it shows the (most recent) date and time, there's sometimes an error showing. Example: end tag does not correspond to <DESCRIPTION>. You can also set the first parameter to: name=debug, value=true. This will enable you to see parameter information on the confirmation page, and provides you with a link (IBISQ URL) that shows a possible mistake on the results page. If by then you've torn your hair out and still have no idea what the problem is, assume it's a back-end problem, so never you mind.
Q: What should be in the navigation path?
A: The navigation path should show the steps a users has selected to get to the current screen. For example: IBIS-PH > Custom Query > ED Small Area > Treat and Release > Hospital ED Encounters > Count - ED Treat and Release Encounters
Q: When do you capitalize variable names?
A: For variable names capitalize the first letter of each word unless it is an acronym. Examples: AgeGpSurvey18, GeoLHD, Year89_pres, MomEduc. For indicating variables they are usually lowercase. Examples: cause_f, agegrp_f, geo_f, year_f, icdDiag, icdEcodes, icdProc.
Q: What should the measure name be?
A: Measure names must match exactly, spelling and capitalization, with the xmlout files on the backend. We have adopted a standard of using all caps and using the measure type as the name, for example, PERCENTAGE, COUNT, AVERAGE, etc.
Q: How do you get a variable that users don't select into js?
A: Use the Hidden input flag in the configuration for that measure.
Referencing items from JavaScript
Anything that is to be referenced by any JavaScript MUST have a valid HTML name with a unique value for that name within that group of same named items. This means that the ANSWERS (or ANSWER) needs to have a NAME element and the ANSWER elements need to have a VALUE element for anything that is to be referenced/used by the JavaScript. It is good practice to document the input/selection names and values at the top of the JavaScript code. This name/value pairs map can really help you see (and it documents things better) what the selections are so that you know what the code is supposed to work with. When testing the code you can use "view source" to verify the name and values of the input selections are what you think they're supposed to be. It is also recommended that you use either Netscape or Firefox to debug JavaScript. It gives more information and it is more helpful that IE.
JavaScript in Mortality
Right now we added a line of code to restore the original func value if a user uses modify query to change the query. This prevents the func value from being incremented twice. The current solution necessitates that func values be 1-9. If additional funcs need to be added then the mod value (currently 10) will need to be changed in the javascript as well as the values that are added (currently 10 and 20). Also the func file names on hlunix will need to be changed to correspond with the new added values.
Steps to Validate a query
1. Run the query to the results page.
2. Press the [Show XML] button.
3. Save the xml (File/Save As). Save the file in the same directory that contains the "module.xsd" file.
4. Open the saved file in any validating XML editor and change the QUERY element to look like this:
<QUERY xmlns:ibis="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="C:\Tomcat\webapps\ibisph-view\xml\query\module.xsd">
5. Choose the editor's Validate Option and see if there are any problems.
Trouble Shooting
This section discusses the process of determining where the problem is. This assumes you have a working PC with Internet Explorer 6.0+ or Netscape Navigator 6.0+ also properly working.Can you bring up your module page on your PC?
URL: http://localhost/Query?module=my_module_name&measure=the_measure_name Where you need to substitute the "my_module_name" and "the_measure_name" values.
Is Tomcat running?
Try http://localhost/.
Page not found.
Tomcat and/or the ibisph-view system has a problem. Call the system administrator or Garth.
Home page displayed.
Does your module name match exactly your module's filename which should be in the tomcat/webaspps/ibisph-view/xml/query/module directory?
Does your measure name exactly match a measure name contained within your module xml file? This value should be in one of the /QUERY/MODULE/MEASURES/MEASURE/NAME elements.
Is your document well formed? See the FAQs on how this is tested.
Fix the issues and test again
Is tomcat throwing an exception (bunch of text displayed in the Tomcat output window). Look at the first few lines of the exception error and sometimes this gives line number of offending XML code.
Was Tomcat exception helpful?
Fix and try again.
Take a screen shot of the exception and email/call system administrator.
Start the Tomcat service and try again.
Troubleshooting Tips
1. To see what values and names are being used by the system set the debug parameter to true. This will list all the variables and their values on the bottom of the Confirmation page.
. . .
2. "No Title Found. Value: 0-4" message
a. Check the name in the xinclude file and make sure it matches the name for this variable in the config file (should be the same as the one in modules and measures document). Have Shandra check the config file and label file.
b. Check the xinclude file and make sure the text in the Value tag matches the Value in the message above, including spaces. -
3. Filter labels wrong (i.e. "geo2 Filter" on left side of Confirmation Page)
a. Check the name value in the xinclude file.
b. Check the Title tag in the Dimensions tag. -
4. Error Message "Pre-mature end of file column -1, row-1" or the likes...
a. Make sure xml saved in xml portion of window, not xslt (check bottom tabs in CookTop, because new files start in xslt for some reason) -
5. Excluding radio buttons answers for different measures
a. Create the ANSWERS tag with a NAME element and do not use/create the NAME element for the sub ANSWER elements. This forces all the answers to be named the same name which is essential for a radio button group to function properly. If the answers are not named the same then the radio button group will allow multiple radio button selections (which is not what a radio button is used for).
b. Set the ANSWER/VALUE element's value to a unique value.
i. Shortcut/Trick: If the answer is not an ending answer (an answer that is used to get to other sub question/answers) and there are multiple answers that need to be excluded in that question answer set for a measure, then those answers can share the same value so that one exclude statement excludes them all for that measure. Put another way: If you have more than one answer that needs to be excluded in a measure and the answer is not the end answer that gets submitted to the query system, but are contained in the same ANSWERS tag, give them both the same value, and you can exclude them both using one exclusion statement.
ii. Note: As stated in step a, make sure you only specify an answer VALUE and TITLE tag. If a NAME element is specified for an ANSWER element and it's a unique name value, the interface will allow you to choose multiple radio buttons.
c. Exclude the ANSWER elements in the MEASURE's exclusion element as normal specifying the ANSWER NAME and VALUE.
For example: If you have 3 measures and each measure has a different set of age groups then you could set the ANSWERS NAME to be something like "AgeGroup". Then for all of measure "A"'s answers, set the value of the ANSWER's VALUE element for to be "1". For measure "B", set the associated ANSWER/VALUE's to "2" etc. All of measure "C"'s ANSWERs would have a VALUE of "3". The for measure "A", exclude answers with the NAME=AgeGroup and values 2&3. For measure B exclude answers 1&3, and for measure "C" 1&2.
d. An alternate solution to this is to create a complete, separate step for each type of measure and then exclude the appropriate steps. -
6. End tag "xxx" doesn't match . . .
a. This means it is a problem with the xml output. Check query string, label file and config file to make sure they match. Check to make sure head and tail files are present in the hlunix folder. -
7. No data - sas error year_f not found
a. Reason, variable Year92_pres is a dynamically defined variable, it will be coded to year_f during the query based on
i. 1. user submitted parameters, such as Year92_pres=1998&Year92_pres=1999-2001, etc,
ii. 2. Year92_pres.grp file.
b. In your URL, if you specify cross1=year_f and year_f=Year92_pres, but Year92_pres = nothing, the query application will try to look for Year92_pres.grp to define year_f, if it cannot find file Year92_pres, it fails to define year_f, and causes a SAS error later because we need to cross tabulate the results by year_f. So for each dynamically defined variable, we need a corresponding *.grp file. -
8. There is data on in the xml, but it isn't displaying on the results screen. Solution: ?
a. Check the format of the data. If the measure names don't match, if data isn't in the right order, then it won't display.