View System Documentation - Overview of Installation, Configuration and Customization
- Acquire Hardware
- Install Operating System
- Download and Install a Java JDK 1.5+
- Install a Java web application server (See the Tomcat page for information about the open source standard).
- Deploy the application
- Configure the application (site specific properties)
Test the application. The first test (assuming the app server
is started) is to run one of the system JSPs. This includes the
(System Information Report JSP) or the jsp/TestPage.jsp
(HTTP Request Test JSP). These pages show information about the app
server, servlet container, JVM, OS, HTTP request, and Xalan (if present).
If these pages work and display that type of information then the
application is deployed correctly and somewhat alive as it is able
to start.
The next thing to test is the root path of the webapp to see if the Welcome page is displayed. If no welcome page is defined then test another known URL which is supposed to work.Note that for all tests the application's context will need to be considered as well as the server's IP address or name and port. If testing on the local machine and the application was deployed using the standard ibisph-view.war file then the default context and would be "ibisph-view" and the full local path would be: http://localhost/ibisph-view/... - Customize the User Interface
Customization/Configuration Overview
Listed below is a brief overview of the types of items which are modified by an adopting agency. The items are listed in a "Likelyhood of Change" order starting with items that should not be changed (not site specific) to the items that most likely will be changed (site specific).Not Site Specific
- Core Javascript files
- Core JSP files
- Core XSLT files
- Java compiled "jar" object package files
- Dynamic XML files - indicator profiles published via the IBIS-PH Data Admin application
Semi Site Specific
- Much of the Utah Query Module XML definitions (assuming data structured similarly and agency desires to have same steps).
- web.xml
- Spring XML configuration files
Site Specific
- css files (or one core file that overrides definitions)
- - deployment specific like IBIS-Q URL
- Static XML Content page files
- Query module selection XML files
- SiteSpecific.xslt files
- graphic images - header, banner, menus, buttons etc
- Any Javascript file needed for agency site navigation etc.
- Other optional XML items like the menu items (if using the systems navigation code, or the organization unit definition XML file etc.
Other Relevant System Administrator Information
- XML Parser Notes - Describes important information concerning the Java Application Server's JVM wide XML parser.
- SVG Browser Plugin - Describes known information concerning the current state of SVG browser plugins.
- Application's Directories and Files - Files to Deploy - Tree of directories with a description of that directories contents are and when applicable, a description of specific files (like control files etc.). This also points out which directories are static and which ones can be changed and where those changes need to be reflected in which configuration file.
- HTTP Request Information JSP. The jsp/http_test.jsp provides detailed information about HTTP requests. It allows the setting of GZIP and shows the response from the HTTP request etc.