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View System Documentation - HTTP URL Query Parameter Options

URL Query Parameter Options

This section lists the optional HTTP Request URL Query Parameter options (name=value pair). These options allow a content manager, developer and/or a user to override some system behavior. The table shows the parameter name, the possible values and what the parameter name/value pair do.

Parameter NameParameter Description and Valid Values
GraphicType Controls the type of chart or map graphic image HTML page the system will build for the Indicator Profile view, PHOM view, and Query result pages. This value is set to "SVG" or "JPEG" and defaults to "JPEG" if the cookie is not present. The controllers read the cookie value and set the value as a parameter that is passed to the XSLT that creates the appropriate HTML image elements for the HTML page.

Used On: indicator/view/*.html, indicator/complete_profile/*.html
phom/view/*.html, phom/expanded_view/*.html

Set On: home/GraphicPreference.html
GraphicName Controls the type of chart that is used to display data values.

Used On: indicator/view/*.html, indicator/complete_profile/*.html
phom/view/*.html, phom/expanded_view/*.html
PrinterFriendly Controls the type of HTML built by the XSLT. If PrinterFriendly is present and has a value of "x", "true", "yes", "t", or "y" (values all case insensative) then the XSLT will not include the normal page header, or left nav sections. Also the printer friendly css file will be included after all other css file imports to allow formatting overrides. A special printer friendly version of the footer can also be supplied which allows for disclaimers and date the page was printed etc.

This parameter is typically added by an element's "onclick" attribute which activates some javascript. The javascript opens a new window and appends this URL query string parameter. This parameter can also be added manually to any HTML page.
xmlURL Allows some pages to be built using XML files located on other servers. These XML files MUST be of the IBIS structure. This parameter is mainly used for previewing indicator profiles reports from the IBIS-PH Data Admin system. The value needs to be the complete URL including protocol, port, context, and path.


As per and other websites, IE has a max HTTP GET size of 2048 bytes with the other browsers having 64k+. Apache is good to about 4k with Tomcat being able to handle posts to 2MB by default.


If some query requests get too large they probably will not work. This is easy to imagine considering Census Tract selections and encoding the URL. If this happens then the CGI will need to be coded/implement handling POST requests. The View System will also need to be coded to make HTTP POST requests instead of the much simplier GET requests.