My Selections Login
To access your selections, please enter your username (email address) and your password. If you don't have an account and would like to be able to save your query definitions you can self register for an account via the New User Registration page.
If you do not need this functionality or do not want to accept the open terms of this insecure account then simply press your browser's back button or navigate to another page via the site's navigation menu. If you proceed with the login you fully accept the open, insecure nature of this account and are bound to any and all implied or stated policies.

Login Credentials
If you have an account with the Department of Health you may login
by clicking on Use Department of Health Secure Login.
If you are having issues with your account registration or have forgotten
your password please visit the Account
Access/Registration Status page.
Terms and Conditions
Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited and subject to full prosecution.