Data Administration System - System Information Overview
The Data Administration System provides three basic services:
- Centralized, private, web based intranet application interface which allow various organization offices to access and maintain their Indicator Profile data. These data are currently stored in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). The application can be setup to limit indicator profile owners and editors so that only those individuals are able to modify their data.
- Mechanism to publish indicator profile data to the public IBIS-PH View System internet application.
- Mechanism for the IBIS-PH View System to save IBIS-PH View System survey responses in the admin database.
Data Administration System's High Level Features:
- Allows the maintenance of Indicator Profile data to be dispersed across a variety of organization offices. These data are centrally stored in a modern relation database.
- Allows the maintenance of the indicator profile data to be performed using a minimal client toolset (internet browser).
- Allows the access of this data from any computer that has a browser and an internet connection.
- Able to limit certain users to only work on and see specific data records
- Able to run on all modern hardware and operating systems
- Designed and built to be 508 compliant
Basic Overview of How the System Works
The IBIS-PH Admin application consists of a set of database tables and a series of JSP pages that correspond 1:1 with the data maintenance pages that can be requested. When a request is made for a page, a Java servlet receives the request and determines if the user has the needed privileges for that request. If they do the request is then sent to a Java controller which queries the database and puts the data into Java objects. These Java objects are then put into the user's session and the associated JSP view is invoked. The JSP then looks into the user's session object and grabs the Java data object(s) placed there by the Java request controller. The JSP then builds the requested HTML page with that data and the server streams the content back to the user.When data are modified by a user, a similar request path is taken. The data are HTTP POSTED to the servlet which then calls the appropriate Java controller object. The data are then parsed then parsed and inserted/updated into the appropriate database table(s).
Page requests are defined within the REQUEST database table. This
table contains the request name, the privileges needed by a user to
be able to access that request, and the JSP used to build the HTML
page to be presented to the user.
System Information Documentation Section Overview
The Data Administration System's Information documentation section includes the following pages:- Data Administration System Architecture - High level architecture showing the main parts of the IBIS-PH Data Administration System
- Data Administration System Design Decisions - Features, design goals, decisions, and history
- Data Administration System Requirements - Recommended hardware, operating systems, server software, and software & hardware dependencies
- Naming Conventions - Naming conventions for Java, CSS, HTML Elements, XML Elements, Javascript, cookies, and filenames.
- Application's Directories and Files - Table of all directories with a description of that directories contents are and when applicable, a description of specific files (like control files etc.). This also points out which directories are static and which ones can be changed and where those changes need to be reflected in which configuration file.