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View System Documentation - PHOM Content Management

This page discusses what is needed to maintain the online PHOM report content. There are two things to maintain for the PHOM report.

  1. Maintaining the HTML_CONTENT XML Content

    The PHOM report contains a number of static pages. These pages are used for the Welcome page, the Executive Summary, the budget type pages etc. As with other HTML_CONTENT type pages these files are contained within the xml/phom/html_content directory. See the HTML_CONTENT XML Content Management page for more information about these types of pages.

  2. Maintaining the page_selections.xml file

    The xml/phom/page_selections.xml file is a simple SELECTIONS/SELECTION structure that contains a list of pages that comprise the report. This list controls the [Prev] and [Next] page left navigation selections that are displayed. The pages will appear in the exact order as listed in the file. Listed below is a snippet of what this structure contains:
    	   . . .
    	   . . .
    For the previous/next list scheme and to work the SELECTIONS/SELECTION/NAME element's value must match the associated content HTML_CONTENT's XML "NAME" element. For the indicator profiles, the NAME element must match the "INDICATOR/NAME" or "INDICATOR_VIEW/INDICATOR_NAME". So to add a new indicator simply locate a similar SELECTION element and copy it, paste it where you want it to show in in the report, and edit the elements as needed. Likewise to remove a page from the report, simply delete the entire SELECTION element. When adding or removing an entry make sure that the associated Table of Contents HTML_CONTENT file is updated as needed.

    The LOCAL_URL element controls what page should be shown (e.g. there are not any smarts between the NAME and URL values). The only way for this Prev/Next mechanism to work is for all the pages to be contained within the PHOM area. It is possible to link to an outside page via the URL element but when that outside page is selected, the context/left navigation won't be there as the link will take to the user to a different site.

    NOTE: the Table of Contents page could be made to use this file but was not so that the Table of Contents page would have more control over the page's formatting.