Data Admin System Documentation - Overview of Installation, Configuration and Customization
- Acquire Hardware
- Install Operating System
- Download and Install a Java JDK 1.5+
- Install a Java web application server
- Install/setup the SQL database
- Create the "ibisph_admin_owner" database account
- Create the IBIS-PH Data Admin database tables
- Optionally populate the IBIS-PH Data Admin database tables with the Utah data
- Install the JDBC drivers for the application server and RDBMS
- Install/setup the web app server's JNDI configuration (jdbc/doh_ibisph_admin)
- Deploy the application
- Configure the application (site specific properties)
Test the application. The first test (assuming the app server
is started) is to run the
jsp/http_test.jsp (HTTP Request Test JSP).
This page shows information about the app server, servlet container,
JVM, OS, HTTP request, and Xalan (if present). If this page works and
displays that type of information then the application is deployed
correctly and somewhat alive as it is able to start.
Note that for all tests the application's context will need to be considered as well as the server's IP address or name and port. If testing on the local machine and the application was deployed using the standard ibisph-admin.war file then the default context and would be "ibisph-admin" and the full local path would be: http://localhost/ibisph-admin/...
The next thing to test is the root path of the webapp to see if the
Main Indicator Profile list page is displayed. If this page does
not work then the "app*.log" or server log needs to be checked to
gain insight into the problem (typically a database issue).
- Setup security and retest the app's default root or DataAdmin request
- Customize the User Interface
Customization/Configuration Overview
Listed below is a brief overview of the types of items which are modified by an adopting agency. The items are listed in a "Likelyhood of Change" order starting with items that should not be changed (not site specific) to the items that most likely will be changed (site specific).Not Site Specific
- Core Javascript files
- Core JSP files
- Java compiled "jar" object package files
- Database table definitions/creation scripts
Semi Site Specific
- Much of the Utah Indicator Profile data.
- web.xml
- Security - open system - no logon, or limited access via a simple front end URL restriction filter.
Site Specific
- App server's RDBMS JDBC and JNDI setup
- css files (or one core file that overrides definitions)
- - deployment specific like IBIS-PH View URL and security values
- graphic images - header, banner, menus, buttons etc
- Database table info. This could be simply replacing the "Utah" with the adopters agency information.